


今回のメインテーマは、“多様性のある社会環境(California Masala)”です。モノカルチャーのリスクを回避しながら成長するマルチカルチャー、それを支える社会と文化、科学と技術のトレンドを概観し、ダイバーシティの重要性を、共に考えるというユニークなレッスンです。
皆様は、ご参加により、 生の英語に慣れ、英語力に自信を付けて頂き、自ら発表できるようになります。

### Lesson Plan for California Masala ###

James will give a talk entitled “California Masala.”
The theme of the talk is globalization, of which California is a successful example.

Globalization is almost as old as humanity. About 100,000 years ago modern humans (called Homo sapiens) left Africa and spread out to Asia and Europe, and they reached the American continent about 25,000 years ago. The great civilizations of the world were connected by trade more than 5,000 years ago. Races and people have been mixing together for thousands of years.

The most successful advanced societies are diverse both culturally and ethnically. 500 years ago in Shakespeare’s London, Jews, Muslims, and Christians came together, and ignoring politics, religion, and ethnicity they built the first truly global business networks.

James will discuss the connection between cultural diversity and economic prosperity.

The era of the homogeneous nation state is coming to an end, and to a great extent has already been replaced by supranational structures. Today, with instantaneous communication by internet, the market forces that drive global trade and the movements of capital are now beyond the control of any single national government.

To succeed in today’s world you must be aware of not only of global economic and political trends, but also of cultural and political movements.

Finally James will review a very simple model of economic growth and discuss its implications.

Throughout the lecture James will ask you questions, and you are encouraged to ask him questions. It is not rude to interrupt if you don’t understand something.

If you would like to prepare in advance, you can look up a few key words.

Masala, nation, nation state, Westphalian, Westphalianism, Homo sapiens, law of supply and demand, chaotic price movements, Brownian motion, diffusion.