Mini MBA: Put Ideas from the World's Best Business Schools into ACTION for Japan

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インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」


『Mini MBA: Put Ideas from the World's Best Business Schools into ACTION for Japan』

≪場所≫インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」
東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
≪日時≫2014年10月5日(日) 15:00~
≪費用≫2500円 / 1ドリンク、スナック付き
ワークショップの進行役はPaul Consalvi(ポール・コンサルヴィ)氏。


HBR-Mini MBA Action Learning Series

What are the latest global trends and management issues which affect JAPAN!!!

Join us each month as we ACTION LEARN the most relevant ideas from HBR and other great institution. Using summary articles and free videos available on the web we will tackle the tough issues facing Japan. Each workshop is dedicated to introducing the most relevant ideas, concepts, methods, tools available for free on the web in order to practice High Inquiry and High Advocacy.

In order to full participate you will need to spend about 20-30 before the workshop to read an article or watch a video.

This Month's ACTION LEARNING Workshop:

Globalization and Globaloney & The CAGE Distance Framework

How globalized is the world?

How can we better understand the cross-country differences that underlie observed levels of globalization?

How to use the CAGE distance framework, where “CAGE” is an acronym for Cultural, Administrative (institutional and political), Geographic and Economic distances among countries.

The Financial Crisis of 2008 has forced Japan to reexamine its beliefs about markets and globalization.

Does Japan further integrate in Global Markets or is it better for Japan to pull back from "Globalization" in order to deal with its problems on a smaller, more manageable scale?

Why do so many global strategies fail-despite companies' powerful brands and other border-crossing advantages? Seduced by market size, the illusion of a borderless, "flat" world, and the allure of similarities, firms launch one-size-fits-all strategies.?

Pankaj Ghemawat in Redefining Global Strategy explains that cross-border differences are larger than we often assume. Most economic activity - including direct investment, tourism, and communication - happens locally, not internationally.

CAGE analysis asks you to compare a possible target market to a company’s home market on the dimensions of culture, administration, geography, and economy.

CAGE analysis yields insights in the key differences between home and target markets and allows companies to assess the desirability of that market.

CAGE analysis can help you identify institutional voids, which might otherwise frustrate internationalization efforts. Institutional differences are important to the extent that the absence of specialized intermediaries can raise transaction costs just as their presence can reduce them.

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主催者情報 (有)ネクストユニット
講師名 Paul Consalvi
参加費用 2,500 円 (税込)
定員 20 名
カテゴリー 勉強会・交流会セミナー
タグ ビジネス / 英語 / ワークショップ
参加対象 日本に影響を与える最近の世界的な動向や経営課題に興味のある方
申込期限 2014年11月1日
    開場時間 14:45
    会場 インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」
    会場住所 東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
